All regular classes are $15. On-Demand rental classes are available for unlimited streaming for seven days following purchase and can be purchased again after the current rental period ends. ($5 of each rental goes directly to the teacher leading the class. The remaining amount helps to cover the credit card processing fee, cost of our new virtual studio platform and our ongoing physical studio expenses.)
We are all filming at home and doing our best to create a class you can see and hear with the limited equipment we each have access to. So, our online classes will likely not look as clear as the professional media you may be used to. Thank you in advance for your understanding and bearing with us as we get better at sharing yoga with you in this new way and for your continued support during this pause of our in-person classes. We hope to continue adding more offerings to this video library.
Stay-At-Home Power Yoga w/ Stacey Vespaziani (60 Minutes) - Rent Now!
This 60-minute all-levels power yoga class offers twists, balancing, back-bending and hip postures along with opportunities to modify and/or intensify the sequence as you practice. If you'd like music while you practice, an optional playlist to accompany the class can be found at: Spotify - Svespaz - Stay-At-Home Flow.
All-Levels Power Flow w/ Michael Harrington (60 Minutes) - Rent Now!
An energetic flowing practice with a special focus on the yoga concept of vīrya or "spirit." (60 Minutes)
Power Hour w/ April Jackson (64 Minutes) - Rent Now!
A 60-minute power flow with relaxation.
All-Levels Power Yoga w/ Lee Rihrarchik (60 Minutes) - Rent Now!
Power Yoga class suitable for all levels.
Basic Vinyasa Flow w/ Jennifer Caumo (60 Minutes) - Rent Now!
This 60-minute class is designed for both the new yogi, and an experienced practioner who may wish to return to the basics. You'll enjoy an energizing warm-up, followed by a slow and intentional flow, ending with some simple heart openers and a nice savasana.
Vinyasa Flow w/ Cass Stevens - (73 Minutes) - Rent Now!
A vinyasa yoga practice for all levels.
Vinyasa For Hips (Intermediate/Advanced) w/ Maryellen Baverso - (66 Minutes) - Rent Now!
Explore strengthen and opening postures for the pelvis. Move from open hip to close hip transitions with core engagement. Plan to explore Half Moon and Frog pose. One/two blocks, a wall close by, and blanket for sensitive knees.
Core Strengthening Yoga With Static Holds w/ Marta Mazzoni - (64 Minutes) - Rent Now!
This intermediate class will concentrate on slow flow movements partnered with static holds. Static holds are great for anyone with back pain, knee pain, or limited mobility. Improving and building on foundations for balance, mobility, strength and power. Items needed for this class- A small space on a flat wall to stand against. (Muscle focus- Triceps, Lats, glutes, obliques, and hamstrings.
Own Your Power: Yoga For Conditioning w/ Hanna Schlegel - (50 Minutes) - Rent Now!
Designed to ignite your tapas through juicy yoga movements and drills. Get ready to create heat and own your power!
Gentle Vinyasa Flow w/ Brooke Eberle - (64 Minutes) - Rent Now!
A slow paced flow focused on the breath and basic postures. A little bit of love for the whole body and spirit. (64 Minutes)
Vinyasa Restorative w/ Megan Driscoll - (72 Minutes) - Rent Now!
Create a home yoga practice with a meditative flow that's adaptable for all levels. We'll build heat and strength with a vinyasa flow followed by a series of supported restorative poses. You'll need 1 blanket and 2 pillows for class. There's also an option to use a chair, ottoman, or bed for your final support savasana. There are playlists options for this sequence available on Megan’s website: vinyasayogabeats.com.
All Bodies Welcome Yoga w/ Emily Anderson - (60 Minutes) - Rent Now!
This class is a combination of meditation, breath work, and movement intended for all abilities. You will experiment with balance, strength, flexibility, and stillness while practicing mindfulness. Personalization through props and variations in postures are encouraged to guide you in honoring your body. We will move slowly through an extended warm up, leading to standing flowing sequences, and end in a restorative relaxation pose.
Restorative Yoga To Boost Your Immune System w/ Holly Koenig - (60 Minutes) - Rent Now!
This gentle, restful class is designed to balance your nervous system and boost your immune system. Blankets and pillows can be used to support your body, creating deep and blissful relaxation.
Yoga Nidra w/ Kristen Hannan- (38 Minutes) - Rent Now!
Yoga Nidra, known as "yogic sleep," allows you to experience not only physical relaxation but also mental and emotional. We can all use a little of that right now! No experience necessary. Find a comfortable spot in your home to lie down. The only thing you need is an open mind. Kristen will guide you through this relaxing practice.
On-Demand stay at hOMe three-day yoga retreat w/ Jen Lee & Stacey Vespaziani $50 (14-DAY RENTAL) - Rent Now!
We are excited to offer this on-demand three-day yoga retreat for the perfect DIY wellness satycation. It follows the same format as our in-person retreats and includes:
a short intro video
four power yoga practices with optional Spotify playlists (58 - 68 minutes each)
three meditation practices (5, 10 & 15 minutes)
daily journaling questions retreat
how-to guide